Puhti cheat sheet


March 17, 2022


December 15, 2022

This document was originally written for a SYKE machine learning network seminar talk on 17.3.2022, but has been extended

For the most current and correct information, see the CSC docs at https://docs.csc.fi/.

CSC has excellent documentation and tutorials that can help in most problems

SSH tunneling for Jupyter / Dask

Sometimes you have to access applications inside a compute node. This can be done with two SSH tunnels. The compute node numbers are just examples and you should change them to the actual compute node you are using.

1. Start up a compute node

Take note of the node number. In this case, let’s say that it is r06c56.

2. Start up your application

It could be jupyter, dask, tensorboard or something else. In this case, let’s say that the application port is 8787.

3. Open up a new Puhti terminal

Connect to the compute node:

ssh r06c56 -L 8890:localhost:8787

8890 is the port that is forwarded to your computer. Depending on the login node, this might be in use, but it can be anything.

4. Connect to Puhti from your local machine

Connect to a puhti login node on your local (unix) terminal

ssh $USER@puhti.csc.fi -L 8787:localhost:8890

Note that $USER needs to be your CSC username.

Make sure your local terminal connects to the same login node in puhti! If the Puhti login node in step 3 is for example puhti-login1, you have to specify $USER@puhti-login1.csc.fi locally.

You should be able to see your application running in localhost:8787/ or whatever your port is.

Module Loading

module load <module>

If a package is missing, run

pip install --user <package>

environment.yml example

If the modules are not enough, use a conda environment inside a singularity shell. The environment is defined with a environment.yml file.

name: env
  - pytorch
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - python=3.9

  <other conda packages here>

  - pip
  - pip:
    <pip packages not installable by conda here>

Dockerfile that builds a cuda-enabled conda environment

FROM nvidia/cuda:11.4.2-cudnn8-runtime-ubuntu20.04

COPY environment.yml .

RUN apt-get update --fix-missing && \
    apt-get install -y git wget vim unzip bzip2 sudo build-essential ca-certificates && \
    apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -O Miniconda.sh && \
    /bin/bash Miniconda.sh -b -p /opt/conda && \
    rm Miniconda.sh && \
    ln -s /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh /etc/profile.d/conda.sh && \
    /opt/conda/bin/conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba && \
    /opt/conda/bin/mamba update -n base mamba && \
    /opt/conda/bin/mamba env create --file environment.yml &&\
    /opt/conda/bin/mamba clean -a -y

ENV PATH /opt/conda/bin:$PATH

Makefile for building the Docker environments and singularity containers

In general, Makefiles are an excellent method for reproducible code that documents your process and commands at the same time.

Running example:

make docker


    docker build . -t cuda-conda

    sudo singularity build Env.sif docker-daemon://cuda-conda:latest

Useful additions to ~/.bashrc

Some contributed by Janne Mäyrä

# Start a interactive GPU instance
# Args:
#   $1: time in hours
#   $2: RAM, for example '8G'
#   $3: SSD in G, for example '16' for 16GB
gpushell() {
        srun -p gpu --gres=gpu:v100:1,nvme:"$3" -c 4 -t "$1":00:00 --mem "$2" --account=$PROJECT --pty bash

# Start a interactive CPU instance
# Args:
#   $1: time in hours
#   $2: RAM, for example '8G'
#   $3: SSD in G, for example '16' for 16GB
cpushell() {
        sinteractive --account $PROJECT --time "$1":00:00 --mem "$2" --tmp "$3"

# Start a interactive CPU instance with more than 8 cores
# Args:
#   $1: time in hours
#   $2: RAM, for example '8G'
#   $3: SSD in G, for example '16' for 16GB
#   $4: number of cores
smallshell() {
        srun -p small --gres=nvme:"$3" --account $PROJECT --time "$1":00:00 --mem "$2" -c "$4" --pty bash

# Start a jupyter server
# Args:
#   $1: output port, arbitary
jpt() {
        jupyter-lab --no-browser --port $1

# tunnel to a jupyter server, sets local port to 8888
# Args:
#   $1: remote port, set above
#   $2: compute node, for example 'r06c52'
jptt() {
        ssh -NL 8888:localhost:$1 $USER@"$2".bullx

# Start python in singularity
# Args:
#   $1: singularity container, .sif file
#   $2: conda environment name
#   $3: arguments to 'python'    
singpy() {
    singularity run --nv -B $SCRATCH:$SCRATCH -B $TMPDIR:$TMPDIR -H ~ $1 /opt/conda/envs/$2/bin/python "${@:3}"

# Start ipython in singularity
# Args:
#   $1: singularity container, .sif file
#   $2: conda environment name
singipy() {
    singularity run --nv -B $SCRATCH:$SCRATCH -B $TMPDIR:$TMPDIR -H ~ $1 /opt/conda/envs/$2/bin/ipython

# Start a singularity shell
# remember to run 'bash --login' and to activate conda environment if necessary
# Args:
#   $1: singularity container, .sif file
singshell() {
    singularity shell --nv -B $SCRATCH:$SCRATCH -B $TMPDIR:$TMPDIR -H ~ $1